Not Done, The artist’s Book


Exhibition catalogue

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Content Description

'Not done!' presents the other side of the book, the book as a carrier of images, the book as an object. It shows that one should not always read a book. The book evaporates in all directions, in stories and memories, but it also remains a thing. Artists have dealt with books that way throughout modernity. For them, books are an opportunity to make art, as well as canvas or video.

Technical description

Finish: hardcover
Number of pages: 84
Dimensions: 21 x 16 cm
Release date: 2004
ISBN: 9789077362143
Nur code: Art, Exhibition
Publisher: Imschoot, uitgevers


PresentFuture ➤ For Artists & Designers ➤ Publishing


Paul Morrison, Black Medick


Christophe Boutin, Holy Tripp